Entries by Editorial Staff

Should the State Government Import Prescription Drugs?

Over the last year, states from coast to coast have considered the policy implications of importing prescription drugs from Internet pharmacies in Canada. Proposals have faced opposition from state pharmacists, every major Canadian pharmacist organization, and a concise condemnation from the Canadian Medical Association: “We feel Internet pharmacies could jeopardize patient safety and we’re against them.”


Being Against Claremont is Not Being Against Education

Recent editorials and letters to the editors in various newspapers opposing the proposed constitutional amendment to restore to the Legislature its traditional power to determine education policy and funding (CACR2) all sound a common theme – those who suggest that the Judiciary should be excluded from the process are really only out to shrink the state’s share of the education budget. This is not a fair criticism.


Trusting The Legislature

Political leaders from the right and left, Democrats and Republicans, agree that the current system of state aid to education is a failure. Without constitutional change, legislators are stuck tinkering at the edges of the current system that no one likes. Yet opponents of any constitutional amendment contend that we can’t trust the people we elect and the current flawed system would just be replaced with the problems of the past.

The Promise of Charter Schools in New hampshire

This report will enlighten people curious why charter schools did not emerge immediately after
New Hampshire’s charter school law was passed in 1995. It will provide helpful ideas for
New Hampshire legislators seeking to improve New Hampshire’s charter school law and
guidance to those who want to pursue a charter school here.

Seven School Funding Fallacies

As the New Hampshire Legislature continues its struggle with the school funding issue, the debate still seems to shed more heat than light. Some of the apparent confusion derives from faulty logic, some from loose terminology used for key concepts….