Understanding New Hampshire’s Gas Tax
Charlie Arlinghaus
March 6, 2013
As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader
New Hampshire’s gas tax and highway fund are little understood even as the legislature votes today on doubling the state’s gas tax. The state’s highways are paid for with user fees and only with user fees, revenues are stagnant even if costs aren’t, the Department of Transportation is one of the more efficient branches of government, but many gimmicks still surround highway funds and the diversion of resources.
New Hampshire’s constitution dedicates all taxes and fees associated with roads and motor vehicles specifically to construction, maintenance, and supervision of traffic on highways (think state police). But from time immemorial legislators have seen fit to divert some of what seemed like a flush pot of money to other uses.
Roads at the state level are funded by two main buckets: (1)the turnpike fund which receives all the money from tolls for a dedicated fraction of the state’s roads and (2)everything else lumped in the highway fund. The turnpike fund is paid for only with tolls and is flush with money. The highway fund’s major revenue source is the gas tax and is struggling to keep up especially as those funds are diverted to other sources.
In New Hampshire, all highway spending of any sort is paid for with user fees – gas taxes, tolls, motor vehicle registration fees, and a few smaller fees. These fees support all state spending and a large grant to municipalities for local roads. In addition, almost a third of these revenues are sent to other departments – largely to pay for state troopers.
The gas tax was set at eighteen cents per gallon in 1991. Revenues don’t rise with inflation or price and lessen as we get better gas mileage. Between 2002 and 2012, inflation was 27.6% but gas tax receipts rose by only 1%. Motor vehicle fees, a minority share of road money, kept up with inflation.
This has placed both good pressure and bad pressure on lawmakers and administrators. The gap between 1% growth in the gas tax and 27% inflation led to the Great Highway Robbery of 2009. To try to get at some of the turnpike money (flush from toll increases), then-Gov. Lynch concocted the scheme of selling a $1.6 mile stretch of I-95 to ourselves. It was moved from the highway fund to the turnpike fund. For the privilege of maintaining it, the turnpike agreed to transfer $120 million to the highway fund supposedly over 20 years. Payment for the first two years was $50 million.
This seemed like a great trick so the legislature of a different party repeated it in 2011, “escalating the payment” to another $52 million in 2012 and 2013. The current governor plans on repeating the trick but the loan is almost paid off so there’s only $29 million left. So the “loan” will be paid in six years instead of the 20 advertised. And that’s the problem with gimmicks. This one worked for two-and-a-half budgets and now there’s a hole.
The good pressure is the pressure to be efficient. Over the last twenty years, most departments saw a big increase in the number of employees then drop in the latest recession. The total number of state full-time positions is the about the same in 2012 as in 1994. But while the rest of state government increased by 2.5%, the number of positions at Transportation declined by 16% (1,959 to 1,650).
Lawmakers need to recognize they are out of gimmicks to shore up the fund. There is a not another $50 million biennial windfall waiting for them. But as a starting point, they can follow the laws they’ve already passed.
No one disputes that some gas tax money can and should be spent on state troopers. But the 2008 law that requires a minimum percentage of the tax (73% in the coming budget) be spent on repairs is reasonable. Even when the last legislature allowed extra money to be spent on troopers, they nonetheless kept the provision requiring a minimum percentage be spent at the department of transportation.
A four cent increase in the gas tax would raise about $27 million each year. Fifteen cents would raise about $100 million per year (current gas tax receipts are $123 million). Merely following the current law to make sure the existing user fees are spent as advertised would add $28 million over two years before charging anyone anything more.
There is a legitimate debate to be had about whether the current highway fund sources can pay for the highway system we currently have. That debate, however, will be difficult if we can’t trust the legislature to start by following the laws they pass.
Thanks you for your carefully calibrated analyses of state budget issues. You truly help elevate the discourse.
Of course one solution would be to bring fairness to fuel taxes by taxing diesel fuel at a higher rate than gasoline since a vehicle with a diesel engine will travel a mile on less fuel than a vehicle of the same size with a gasoline engine. According to the US DOT, “In the 1997 HCAS combination trucks were found, on average, to pay 90 percent of their Federal highway cost responsibility through user fees, but with changes in the fuel tax they now pay only 80 percent of their cost responsibility. The heaviest combinations, those over 80,000 pounds, pay only half of their cost responsibility. ” while pickups and vans pay 150% of their share – and that’s for the Federal tax which is 18.3 c/gal for gasoline and 24.3 c/gal for diesel. So the NH diesel tax could be increased 33% with no change in the gasoline tax and heavy trucks would still be undertaxed.
Charlie, would you support indexing the fuel tax and tolls to some inflation measure? Also why should we offer discounts at tolls?
Dear Roy, using your logic we should charge a higher tax to someone who drive a hybrid sedan over a gas sedan?