Entries by Charles M. Arlinghaus

Yes, New Hampshire has a debt problem

Charlie Arlinghaus October 31, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader The biggest state political issue no one is talking about is debt. Everyone knows of the federal debt problem. Most people (except, perhaps, for my most faithful readers) do not know about the debt explosion at the state level that is […]

How a ‘balanced’ state budget created an $800 million deficit

Charlie Arlinghaus October 24, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader Starting in 2008, the governor and Legislature adopted a series of unusual practices that obscured spending decisions. As a result, the two gubernatorial candidates this year fight over what the facts really are. Republican Ovide Lamontagne claims that Democrat Maggie Hassan […]

A Welcome Vote on the Income Tax

Charlie Arlinghaus October 17, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader Surprising all political observers, November’s up-or-down vote on an income tax is neck-and-neck. This is a rare opportunity for voters to express an opinion on one issue alone without having to agree with the person advocating the issue on everything else. […]

How a Balanced Budget Created a Deficit

Charlie Arlinghaus October 10, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader Elections are about making choices but often the information we use to make those choices is misleading or confusing. This is particularly true in the area of the New Hampshire budget where mythical information passes for fact all the time. The […]

The State Board Should Act Immediately to Show Good Faith on Charters

Charlie Arlinghaus October 3, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader Two weeks ago, the state board of education denied every charter school application before them citing a financial problem that didn’t exist. Further their action circumvented legislation and calls into question whether they should be permitted to continue in their role […]

Politicians need discipline forced on them by budgets

Charlie Arlinghaus September 26, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader Budgets are a discipline we force upon politicians who have trouble controlling themselves. Left to themselves, politicians will promise you the moon without telling you about the new moon tax they have to impose to pay for it. On Earth, the […]

Highways Pay for Themselves, Trains Don’t

Charlie Arlinghaus September 19, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader In a few weeks, Maine will finish a $44 million project to extend a money-losing commuter train and lose even more money. Fortunately, retiring Sen. Olympia Snowe got them money in the federal budget to fund their profligacy. Some politicians in […]

Quit whining and check your facts

Charlie Arlinghaus September 12, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader What you think you know is often wrong. We are bombarded in election season with facts that aren’t facts and conclusions that are so convenient to our worldview that checking them against the facts would be inconvenient. More important to most […]

Party Conventions are Taxpayer Funded Self-Indulgence

Charlie Arlinghaus August 29, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader Political party conventions are giant taxpayer funded parties that have outlived their usefulness and should be eliminated. That Congress routinely votes to spend ten of millions of dollars on themselves is a sign of their own immaturity and helps explain the […]