Entries by Charles M. Arlinghaus

Too Many People in Washington Think You’re An Idiot

Charlie Arlinghaus August 22, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader You’re an idiot. You’re so self-serving and adolescent that you can’t possibly have an adult conversation. That’s the barrage from political professionals. Politicians and their like should carefully avoid talking to us like we’re adults because clearly we aren’t. Anyone attempting […]

New Hampshire is Not Run like a Modern State

Charlie Arlinghaus August 15, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader New Hampshire is not a modern state nor is it run like a modern state. Each day in the news there is some other reminder that we run ourselves like some odd backwater anachronism and pretend it is a virtue not […]

Two Proposals on which We All Can Agree

Charlie Arlinghaus August 8, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader Good proposals often founder on the rocks of partisanship. It is a sad truth of current political wars that Republicans are meant to reject Democratic proposals simply because of the party that made them and vice versa. But even in the […]

Budgets Can and Should be About Job Creation

Charlie Arlinghaus August 1, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader Election season breeds people blowing hard but spreading little other than hot air (insert your own joke here about my column). Let me shorten some of it for you but then suggest a few constructive things. Each economic report that comes […]

Annoy the Candidates, Ask them Questions

Charlie Arlinghaus July 25, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader Candidates are supposed to avoid being specific during elections. They are regularly told by the bulk of the consulting corps that telling people what you might or might not do as governor only makes people mad, costs you votes and limits […]

Debating an Income Tax Fashionable Again for 2012

Charlie Arlinghaus July 18, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader The November election will include a constitutional amendment to ban an income tax. Whether they wish to see a ban written into the constitution or not, the vast majority of voters are opposed to an income tax based on the experience […]

Good Revenue Estimates Avoid Crisis Planning

Charlie Arlinghaus July 11, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader Last year, the state’s revenue estimates were a controversial part of the budget process. With the first of the budget’s two fiscal years under our belt, it’s hard to see what all the fuss was about. The state seems to have […]

End New Hampshire’s Archaic Government Structure

 Charlie Arlinghaus July 4, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader  New Hampshire’s state government contains a design flaw intended to make the governing bureaucracy somewhat independent of the elected chief executive and ensure that the state’s CEO has only limited authority over his department heads. As we prepare to transition to […]

Why Lynch is wrong and The Washington Post right

   Charlie Arlinghaus June 27, 2012 As originally published in the New Hampshire Union Leader In what can only be a sign of the coming of the apocalypse, the single best piece written on school choice over the last year was a Thursday editorial in the normally quite liberal Washington Post. On Veto Day in […]

Update: Policy debate must be based on the actual bill; not the Governor’s mistakes

In response to the Governor’s statement yesterday, Josiah Bartlett Center President Charlie Arlinghaus released the following call for a retraction: “Earlier this week, we corrected the factually incorrect part of Governor Lynch’s veto statement on the School Choice Scholarship Act.  Rather than admit his mistake, he doubled down. On the front page of today’s New […]