Editor’s note: To avoid social repercussions in a small community, the subject of this story requested that only her first name be used and that her son’s name not be used. We granted the request.  Christine M. spent three years trying to find the right learning environment for her son. When he started at Stevens […]

“This is not a world to live at random in as you do.… Everything in this world is matter of calculation.” — Thomas Jefferson, Oct. 12, 1786 Random chance is a constant feature of life on Earth, and for centuries it was a feature of human government. Kings and councils ruled with “arbitrary power,” as […]

Child care in New Hampshire is often hard to find and, when you do, expensive. A bipartisan group of legislators has offered families some relief in a surprising way: zoning reform. Child care offered to small groups of children in a caregiver’s home was once a popular option for many families. But professionalization and regulation […]

The second group of bills to saddle the Education Freedom Account program with onerous red tape will be considered this week by the state House and Senate. State lawmakers took up the first set of regulatory measures last week, voting down both House Bills 1512 and 1594.  This week, the House will vote on HB […]

Despite being the main metropolitan area in the state, the City of Manchester’s zoning ordinances are surprisingly hostile to the construction of new multifamily housing. As a review of the city’s zoning ordinances championed by former Mayor Joyce Craig continues, aldermen are considering three relatively small changes unanimously approved by the Planning Board and brought […]

This week, two bills that would take Education Freedom Accounts (EFAs) away from children enrolled in the program will be considered in the state House of Representatives.  We previously summarized a group of bills that would heavily regulate the EFA program to the point that its functionality and growth would be severely curtailed. The House […]

Imagine you own a small entertainment venue in New Hampshire. What’s the value of an aisle seat in Row 37 on a Wednesday night in April? Let’s say you printed the date, the time and a price of $100 on the ticket. Would that make the ticket worth $100? How about $200? No idea, right? […]

As pressure builds for local and state policymakers to address New Hampshire’s severe housing shortage, some activists and lawmakers are again blaming developers rather than regulators for the state’s high rents.  Developers are building “too many” apartments for higher-income renters, some claim. This raises rents, hurting the poor, so government must intervene to make builders […]

Legislators are again considering a proposal to raise the state’s minimum wage through a series of automatic annual hikes. The House of Representatives will vote Thursday on House Bill 1322, which would institute an immediate 31% increase in the state minimum wage, then compel additional increases over the next five years. HB 1322 would require […]

Enticing people to buy electric vehicles does not fit comfortably into the core duties of state government. And yet it’s among the list of pet causes legislators will consider subsidizing with other people’s money.  The latest effort comes in House Bill 1472. The bill, as amended, would confiscate $1.5 million that belongs to electric utility […]